
Lagrangian stochastic particle dispersion. Using Numba, particles are integrated in parallel.

Although it is possible to use these functions directly, the intention is for blpd.model.Model to be used.

  2Lagrangian stochastic particle dispersion.
  3Using [Numba](, particles are integrated in parallel.
  5Although it is possible to use these functions directly,
  6the intention is for `blpd.model.Model` to be used.
  9import numpy as np
 10from numba import njit
 11from numba import prange
 15def _calc_fd_params_above_canopy(x, p):
 16    """Calculate the dispersion parameters above the canopy."""
 17    z = x[2]
 19    ustar = p["ustar"]
 20    kconstant = p["von_Karman_constant"]
 21    d = p["displacement_height"]
 23    z0 = p["roughness_length"]
 24    gam1 = p["MW_gam1"]
 25    gam2 = p["MW_gam2"]
 26    gam3 = p["MW_gam3"]
 28    umean = (ustar / kconstant) * np.log((z - d) / z0)
 29    dumeandz = (ustar / (kconstant)) * (1 / (z - d))
 31    tau11 = (ustar * gam1) ** 2
 32    tau22 = (ustar * gam2) ** 2
 33    tau33 = (ustar * gam3) ** 2
 34    tau13 = -(ustar**2)
 36    dtau11dz = 0
 37    dtau22dz = 0
 38    dtau33dz = 0
 39    dtau13dz = 0
 41    lam11, lam22, lam33, lam13 = _calc_Rodean_lambdas(tau11, tau22, tau33, tau13)
 43    # Dissipation - above canopy (log wind profile)
 44    # ref: e.g., MW Eq. 12
 45    epsilon = (ustar**3) / (kconstant * (z - d))
 47    return (
 48        umean,
 49        dumeandz,
 50        dtau11dz,
 51        dtau22dz,
 52        dtau33dz,
 53        dtau13dz,
 54        lam11,
 55        lam22,
 56        lam33,
 57        lam13,
 58        epsilon,
 59    )
 63def _calc_fd_params_in_canopy(x, p):
 64    """Calculate the dispersion parameters within the canopy."""
 65    z = x[2]
 67    ustar = p["ustar"]  # at h?
 68    kconstant = p["von_Karman_constant"]
 69    d = p["displacement_height"]  # for log wind profile; d < h
 70    h = p["canopy_height"]
 71    uh = p["U_h"]  # wind speed at canopy height
 72    cd = p["foliage_drag_coeff"]
 73    LAI = p["total_LAI"]
 75    # z0 = p['roughness_length']
 76    gam1 = p["MW_gam1"]
 77    gam2 = p["MW_gam2"]
 78    gam3 = p["MW_gam3"]
 80    nu1 = p["MW_nu1"]
 81    # nu2 = p['MW_nu2']  # unused?
 82    nu3 = p["MW_nu3"]
 83    Lam = p["MW_Lam"]
 84    n = p["MW_n"]
 85    B1 = p["MW_B1"]
 86    alpha = p["MW_alpha"]
 88    epflag = p["MW_epsilon_ah_gt_ch"]
 89    epsilon_ah = p["MW_epsilon_a_h"]
 90    epsilon_ch = p["MW_epsilon_c_h"]
 92    # zeta(z): "cumulative leaf drag area per unit planform area" (MW p. 82) (ΞΆ)
 93    # The code we started from replace terms zeta(z)/zeta(h) by z/h.
 94    # This assumes a vertically homogeneous LAI dist (LAD const with z in canopy)
 95    # that accumulates from z=0, not z=h_c like LAI.
 96    # zeta(h) is replaced by cd*LAI
 98    umean = uh * np.exp(-n * (1 - (z / h)))
 99    dumeandz = uh * (n / h) * np.exp(-n * (1 - (z / h)))
101    zet_h = cd * LAI  # zeta(h) total leaf drag area
103    # ref: MW eqn. 10, p. 87
104    sig_e = ustar * (
105        nu3 * np.exp(-Lam * zet_h * (1 - z / h))
106        + B1 * (np.exp(-3 * n * (1 - z / h)) - np.exp(-Lam * zet_h * (1 - z / h)))
107    ) ** (1.0 / 3)
109    # I can't find a source for this eqn
110    dsig_e2dz = (
111        (2 / 3)
112        * ustar**2
113        * (
114            (
115                nu3 * np.exp(-Lam * zet_h * (1 - z / h))
116                + B1 * (np.exp(-3 * n * (1 - z / h)) - np.exp(-Lam * zet_h * (1 - z / h)))
117            )
118            ** (-1.0 / 3)
119        )
120        * (
121            (nu3 * Lam * zet_h / h) * np.exp(-Lam * zet_h * (1 - z / h))
122            + B1
123            * (
124                (3 * n / h) * np.exp(-3 * n * (1 - z / h))
125                - (Lam * zet_h / h) * np.exp(-Lam * zet_h * (1 - z / h))
126            )
127        )
128    )
130    # From MW eq. 11, in the canopy:
131    #   gam_i * nu_1 * sig_e = sig_i
132    # and above the canopy:
133    #   sig_i/u_star = gam_i    (p. 86)
135    tau11 = (gam1 * nu1 * sig_e) ** 2
136    dtau11dz = ((gam1 * nu1) ** 2) * dsig_e2dz
138    tau22 = (gam2 * nu1 * sig_e) ** 2
139    dtau22dz = ((gam2 * nu1) ** 2) * dsig_e2dz
141    tau33 = (gam3 * nu1 * sig_e) ** 2
142    dtau33dz = ((gam3 * nu1) ** 2) * dsig_e2dz
144    tau13 = -(ustar**2) * np.exp(-2 * n * (1 - (z / h)))
145    dtau13dz = -(ustar**2) * (2 * n / h) * np.exp(-2 * n * (1 - (z / h)))
147    # Dissipation
148    # ref: MW p. 88
149    if epflag:
150        epsilon = (sig_e**3) * zet_h / (h * nu3 * alpha) * (epsilon_ah / epsilon_ch)
151    else:
152        if z <= d:  # 0 < z <= d
153            epsilon = (sig_e**3) * zet_h / (h * nu3 * alpha)
154        else:  # d < z <= h_c
155            scale1 = zet_h * sig_e**3 / (nu3 * alpha * ustar**3)
156            scale2 = h / (kconstant * (z - d))
157            # ^ this is a potential source of div by 0 (if z v close to d)
158            epsilon = (ustar**3 / h) * min(scale1, scale2)
160    lam11, lam22, lam33, lam13 = _calc_Rodean_lambdas(tau11, tau22, tau33, tau13)
162    return (
163        umean,
164        dumeandz,
165        dtau11dz,
166        dtau22dz,
167        dtau33dz,
168        dtau13dz,
169        lam11,
170        lam22,
171        lam33,
172        lam13,
173        epsilon,
174    )
178def _calc_Rodean_lambdas(tau11, tau22, tau33, tau13):
179    # ref: Pratt thesis Eq. 2.14, p. 15
180    lam11 = 1.0 / (tau11 - ((tau13**2) / tau33))
181    lam22 = 1.0 / tau22
182    lam33 = 1.0 / (tau33 - ((tau13**2) / tau11))
183    lam13 = 1.0 / (tau13 - ((tau11 * tau33) / tau13))
185    return lam11, lam22, lam33, lam13
189def calc_xtend(x, u, p):
190    r"""Calculate the position tendencies
191    (i.e., the velocity components $u_i + \delta u_i$)
192    for one particle with position vector `x` and velocity vector `u`.
194    `p` (parameters) must be a Numba typed dict (:class:`numba.typed.Dict`).
195    """
196    z = x[2]  # x, y, z
197    u1, u2, u3 = u  # u, v, w
199    h_c = p["canopy_height"]
200    C0 = p["Kolmogorov_C0"]  # a Kolmogorov constant (3--10)
201    dt = p["dt"]
203    # Calculate fd (fluid dynamics) params
204    if z >= h_c:
205        (
206            U1,
207            dU1dx3,
208            dtau11dx3,
209            dtau22dx3,
210            dtau33dx3,
211            dtau13dx3,
212            lam11,
213            lam22,
214            lam33,
215            lam13,
216            eps,
217        ) = _calc_fd_params_above_canopy(x, p)
218    else:
219        (
220            U1,
221            dU1dx3,
222            dtau11dx3,
223            dtau22dx3,
224            dtau33dx3,
225            dtau13dx3,
226            lam11,
227            lam22,
228            lam33,
229            lam13,
230            eps,
231        ) = _calc_fd_params_in_canopy(x, p)
233    # Calculate new positions
234    # ref: Pratt thesis Eqs. 2.12-13, p. 15
235    # dW_j is an incremental Wiener process with a mean of 0, and a variance of dt
236    # simulated as sqrt(dt)*N(0,1)  (p. 12)
238    sqrt_C0eps = np.sqrt(C0 * eps)
239    sqrt_dt = np.sqrt(dt)
241    # TODO: if wanted to be able to use other sorts of integrators,
242    # would have to freeze the random seed or something?
243    # (otherwise the tends will be different every time)
244    # or separate the random part from the rest of the tend calculation.
245    # The dist to draw from could be an input.
247    # x-1 component
248    randn = np.random.standard_normal()  # different for each component
249    dW1 = sqrt_dt * randn
250    du1 = (
251        (-C0 * eps / 2 * (lam11 * (u1 - U1) + lam13 * u3) + dU1dx3 * u3 + dtau13dx3 / 2) * dt
252        + (
253            dtau11dx3 * (lam11 * (u1 - U1) + lam13 * u3)
254            + dtau13dx3 * (lam13 * (u1 - U1) + lam33 * u3)
255        )
256        * (u3 / 2 * dt)
257        + sqrt_C0eps * dW1
258    )
260    # x-2 component
261    randn = np.random.standard_normal()
262    dW2 = sqrt_dt * randn
263    du2 = (-C0 * eps / 2 * lam22 * u2 + dtau22dx3 * lam22 * u2 * u3 / 2) * dt + sqrt_C0eps * dW2
265    # x-3 component
266    randn = np.random.standard_normal()
267    dW3 = sqrt_dt * randn
268    du3 = (
269        (-C0 * eps / 2 * (lam13 * (u1 - U1) + lam33 * u3) + dtau33dx3 / 2) * dt
270        + (
271            dtau13dx3 * (lam11 * (u1 - U1) + lam13 * u3)
272            + dtau33dx3 * (lam13 * (u1 - U1) + lam33 * u3)
273        )
274        * (u3 / 2 * dt)
275        + sqrt_C0eps * dW3
276    )
278    # Check for too-high values
279    if np.any(np.abs(np.array([du1, du2, du3])) > 50):
280        print("one du is too high:", du1, du2, du3)
281        print("umean, dumeandz, epsilon", U1, dU1dx3, eps)
282        if z >= h_c:
283            print("  z >= h_c")
284        else:
285            print("  z < h_c, z =", z)
286        print("resetting new ws to 0")
287        du1 = 0.0
288        du2 = 0.0
289        du3 = 0.0
290        u1 = 0.0
291        u2 = 0.0
292        u3 = 0.0
294    return [u1 + du1, u2 + du2, u3 + du3]
298def _integrate_particle_one_timestep(x, u, p):
299    """Take the state for one particle and integrate."""
300    dt = p["dt"]
302    dxdt = calc_xtend(x, u, p)  # u, v, w
304    # Adjustments for undesired new z position
305    # (below z = 0 or above PBL inversion)
306    # TODO: original code noted that this needs work
307    # This current method seems to correspond to completely elastic collision,
308    # but maybe inelastic or some probability of deposition could be another option.
309    z = x[2]  # before integration
310    znew = z + dxdt[2] * dt
311    if znew <= 0.1:
312        dxdt = [dxdt[0], dxdt[1], -dxdt[2]]
313        xnew = [x[0] + dxdt[0] * dt, x[1] + dxdt[1] * dt, 0.1]
315    elif znew >= 800.0:  # reflect at z_i too
316        dxdt = [dxdt[0], dxdt[1], -dxdt[2]]
317        xnew = [x[0] + dxdt[0] * dt, x[1] + dxdt[1] * dt, 800.0]
319    else:
320        xnew = [xi + dxidt * dt for (xi, dxidt) in zip(x, dxdt)]
322    # The new position (x) tendencies are the (new) velocity components
323    unew = dxdt
325    return xnew, unew
328# @njit
330def integrate_particles_one_timestep(state, p):
331    """Integrate all particles one time step, modifying the current `state` (in place).
333    `state` and `p` (parameters) must be Numba typed dicts (:class:`numba.typed.Dict`)
334    in order for `@njit` to work if Numba is not disabled.
335    """
336    Np_k = int(state["Np_k"][0])
337    xp = state["xp"]
338    yp = state["yp"]
339    zp = state["zp"]
340    up = state["up"]
341    vp = state["vp"]
342    wp = state["wp"]
344    # for i in range(Np_k):
345    for i in prange(Np_k):  # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
346        # State for particle i: position and (wind) velocity
347        x = [xp[i], yp[i], zp[i]]  # position of particle i at current time step
348        u = [up[i], vp[i], wp[i]]  # local wind speed for particle
350        # Calculate new state
351        x, u = _integrate_particle_one_timestep(x, u, p)
353        # Update state arrays in place
354        xp[i] = x[0]
355        yp[i] = x[1]
356        zp[i] = x[2]
357        up[i] = u[0]
358        vp[i] = u[1]
359        wp[i] = u[2]
361        # Note that we are not really time-integrating the wind speed.
362        # We are making assumptions about the distribution of perturbations
363        # about a mean x-direction wind!
365        # del x, u
366        # ^ seems like Numba might require this? (gave errors otherwise)
367        # Now, using numba v0.49.1 this raises error:
368        #   `CompilerError: Illegal IR, del found at: del pos`
369        # If trying to use sufficiently older versions of numba, may need to put it back.
370        # TODO: maybe change numba version spec in setup.cfg to >= 0.49
def calc_xtend(x, u, p):
190def calc_xtend(x, u, p):
191    r"""Calculate the position tendencies
192    (i.e., the velocity components $u_i + \delta u_i$)
193    for one particle with position vector `x` and velocity vector `u`.
195    `p` (parameters) must be a Numba typed dict (:class:`numba.typed.Dict`).
196    """
197    z = x[2]  # x, y, z
198    u1, u2, u3 = u  # u, v, w
200    h_c = p["canopy_height"]
201    C0 = p["Kolmogorov_C0"]  # a Kolmogorov constant (3--10)
202    dt = p["dt"]
204    # Calculate fd (fluid dynamics) params
205    if z >= h_c:
206        (
207            U1,
208            dU1dx3,
209            dtau11dx3,
210            dtau22dx3,
211            dtau33dx3,
212            dtau13dx3,
213            lam11,
214            lam22,
215            lam33,
216            lam13,
217            eps,
218        ) = _calc_fd_params_above_canopy(x, p)
219    else:
220        (
221            U1,
222            dU1dx3,
223            dtau11dx3,
224            dtau22dx3,
225            dtau33dx3,
226            dtau13dx3,
227            lam11,
228            lam22,
229            lam33,
230            lam13,
231            eps,
232        ) = _calc_fd_params_in_canopy(x, p)
234    # Calculate new positions
235    # ref: Pratt thesis Eqs. 2.12-13, p. 15
236    # dW_j is an incremental Wiener process with a mean of 0, and a variance of dt
237    # simulated as sqrt(dt)*N(0,1)  (p. 12)
239    sqrt_C0eps = np.sqrt(C0 * eps)
240    sqrt_dt = np.sqrt(dt)
242    # TODO: if wanted to be able to use other sorts of integrators,
243    # would have to freeze the random seed or something?
244    # (otherwise the tends will be different every time)
245    # or separate the random part from the rest of the tend calculation.
246    # The dist to draw from could be an input.
248    # x-1 component
249    randn = np.random.standard_normal()  # different for each component
250    dW1 = sqrt_dt * randn
251    du1 = (
252        (-C0 * eps / 2 * (lam11 * (u1 - U1) + lam13 * u3) + dU1dx3 * u3 + dtau13dx3 / 2) * dt
253        + (
254            dtau11dx3 * (lam11 * (u1 - U1) + lam13 * u3)
255            + dtau13dx3 * (lam13 * (u1 - U1) + lam33 * u3)
256        )
257        * (u3 / 2 * dt)
258        + sqrt_C0eps * dW1
259    )
261    # x-2 component
262    randn = np.random.standard_normal()
263    dW2 = sqrt_dt * randn
264    du2 = (-C0 * eps / 2 * lam22 * u2 + dtau22dx3 * lam22 * u2 * u3 / 2) * dt + sqrt_C0eps * dW2
266    # x-3 component
267    randn = np.random.standard_normal()
268    dW3 = sqrt_dt * randn
269    du3 = (
270        (-C0 * eps / 2 * (lam13 * (u1 - U1) + lam33 * u3) + dtau33dx3 / 2) * dt
271        + (
272            dtau13dx3 * (lam11 * (u1 - U1) + lam13 * u3)
273            + dtau33dx3 * (lam13 * (u1 - U1) + lam33 * u3)
274        )
275        * (u3 / 2 * dt)
276        + sqrt_C0eps * dW3
277    )
279    # Check for too-high values
280    if np.any(np.abs(np.array([du1, du2, du3])) > 50):
281        print("one du is too high:", du1, du2, du3)
282        print("umean, dumeandz, epsilon", U1, dU1dx3, eps)
283        if z >= h_c:
284            print("  z >= h_c")
285        else:
286            print("  z < h_c, z =", z)
287        print("resetting new ws to 0")
288        du1 = 0.0
289        du2 = 0.0
290        du3 = 0.0
291        u1 = 0.0
292        u2 = 0.0
293        u3 = 0.0
295    return [u1 + du1, u2 + du2, u3 + du3]

Calculate the position tendencies (i.e., the velocity components $u_i + \delta u_i$) for one particle with position vector x and velocity vector u.

p (parameters) must be a Numba typed dict (numba.typed.Dict).

def integrate_particles_one_timestep(state, p):
331def integrate_particles_one_timestep(state, p):
332    """Integrate all particles one time step, modifying the current `state` (in place).
334    `state` and `p` (parameters) must be Numba typed dicts (:class:`numba.typed.Dict`)
335    in order for `@njit` to work if Numba is not disabled.
336    """
337    Np_k = int(state["Np_k"][0])
338    xp = state["xp"]
339    yp = state["yp"]
340    zp = state["zp"]
341    up = state["up"]
342    vp = state["vp"]
343    wp = state["wp"]
345    # for i in range(Np_k):
346    for i in prange(Np_k):  # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
347        # State for particle i: position and (wind) velocity
348        x = [xp[i], yp[i], zp[i]]  # position of particle i at current time step
349        u = [up[i], vp[i], wp[i]]  # local wind speed for particle
351        # Calculate new state
352        x, u = _integrate_particle_one_timestep(x, u, p)
354        # Update state arrays in place
355        xp[i] = x[0]
356        yp[i] = x[1]
357        zp[i] = x[2]
358        up[i] = u[0]
359        vp[i] = u[1]
360        wp[i] = u[2]
362        # Note that we are not really time-integrating the wind speed.
363        # We are making assumptions about the distribution of perturbations
364        # about a mean x-direction wind!
366        # del x, u
367        # ^ seems like Numba might require this? (gave errors otherwise)
368        # Now, using numba v0.49.1 this raises error:
369        #   `CompilerError: Illegal IR, del found at: del pos`
370        # If trying to use sufficiently older versions of numba, may need to put it back.
371        # TODO: maybe change numba version spec in setup.cfg to >= 0.49

Integrate all particles one time step, modifying the current state (in place).

state and p (parameters) must be Numba typed dicts (numba.typed.Dict) in order for @njit to work if Numba is not disabled.