Module vorts.plot

Plotting routines


def plot_poincare(ds, *, iv_ref=0, c='0.35', ms=0.2, alpha=0.5, cycle_comp='add', cycle_by='vorton', title='Poincaré section (tracers)', frame='none', plot_vortons=False, vorton_colors=None, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot Poincaré section.


ds : xarray.Dataset
Model output or output from select_poincare_times().
iv_ref : int
Index of the vorton to use for reference (passed to select_poincare_times()).
c : str or array_like
Marker color (any of these formats). OR iterable of individual colors, which will be cycled.
ms : float
Marker size. OR iterable of individual sizes, which will be cycled.
alpha : float
Marker alpha. OR iterable of individual alpha values, which will be cycled.
cycle_comp : str, {'add', 'multiply'}
How to compose the property cyclers—add or multiply.
cycle_by : str, {'vorton', 'time'}
Whether certain times will have certain properties, or certain vortons will.
title : str
Plot title.
frame : str, {'none', 'only', 'default'}
No frame (using remove_frame()), frame only (using remove_ticks()), or default style (do nothing).
plot_vortons : bool
Whether to plot the initial vorton positions on top.
Colors, of valid format (like c). OR single color. By default, cycles through New Tableau 10.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional
Optionally pass ax on which to plot. Otherwise a new figure will be created.
Passed on to select_poincare_times() (if applicable) or plt.subplots() or ax.plot()

See Also


def plot_tracer_trajectories(ds, title='Tracers', ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot tracer trajectories.


ds : xarray.Dataset
hist attribute of the model instance.
title : str
Plot title.
Passed on to plt.subplots()
def plot_vorton_trajectories(ds, title='Vortons', ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot lines: one for each vorton's trajectory.


ds : xarray.Dataset
hist attribute of the model instance.
title : str
Plot title.
Passed on to plt.subplots()
def remove_frame(ax=None, *, keep_title=True)

Remove ticks, tick labels, and frame (spines) from ax (uses current by default).

def remove_ticks(ax=None, *, keep_ax_labels=True, keep_title=True)

Remove ticks and tick labels from ax (uses current by default).

def select_poincare_times(ds, iv_ref=0, *, xtol=0.01, ytol=0.01)

From a model output dataset, extract data corresponding to times to use for the Poincaré section.

We find the times when the reference vorton (with index iv_ref) is in its original position.


ds : xarray.Dataset
For example, the hist attribute of the model instance.
iv_ref : int
Index of the vorton to use for reference.
xtol, ytol : float
Tolerance in each direction to use when searching for timesteps when the reference vorton is in its original position.


A selection (.sel) of the original ds consisting only of the timesteps when the reference vorton is approximately in the desired position.