
Integration routines and time steppers in Python.

In addition to the sub-par handwritten RK and FT schemes, SciPy RK routines (which are written in Python as well) are also available.

Global variables


Time steppers (return new positions after stepping forward in time once).


def FT_step(G, x0, y0, dt: float, *, tend_fn=CPUDispatcher(<function calc_tend>))

Step using 1st-O forward-in-time.

Calculate tendencies / integrate all vortons at once.

def FT_step_1b1(G, x0, y0, dt: float)

Step using 1st-O forward-in-time.

Calculate tendencies / integrate one vorton by one. This doesn't affect the result for FT, but for RK4 it does (since sub-steps are used)…

def RK4_step(G, x0, y0, dt: float, *, tend_fn=CPUDispatcher(<function calc_tend>))

Step using RK4.

Whole system at once – matrix math version.

def RK4_step_1b1(G, x0_all, y0_all, dt: float)

Step using RK4.

One vorton at a time.


This doesn't work for RK4 since we have sub-steps where the tendencies due to all other vortons need to be up to date or we introduce error.

So don't use this if you want to get a good solution.

def calc_C(G, x, y)

Calculate $C$ at time $l$ (see equation and info in Vortons.C()).

We use deparature from $C_0$ (initial value of $C$) in the adaptive stepping to see if we need to go back and step with smaller $\delta t$.

def calc_lsqd_diff(dx, dy)

Calculate intervortical distance $l^2$, passing in already-computed dx and dy.

def calc_lsqd_xy(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Calculate intervortical distance $l^2$, using positions to compute dx and dy.

def calc_tend(G, x, y)

Calculate tendencies for each vorton (or tracer). Using explicit loops intead of vector(ized) operations.


This function is wrapped with numba.njit.

def calc_tend_one(xi, yi, Gn, xn, yn)

Calculate tendencies for one position (xi, yi) based on others (Gn, xn, yn). Using explicit loops intead of vector(ized) operations.

def calc_tend_vec(G, x, y)

Calculate both $x$- and $y$-tend written in a vectorized way.

def calc_tend_vec_premesh(G, X, Y)

Calculate both $x$- and $y$-tend vectorized, but they must be passed in in meshgrid form.

Note that Numba doesn't support numpy.meshgrid.


This function is wrapped with numba.njit.

def integrate_manual(G, x0, y0, C_0: float, t_eval, stepper, *, adapt_tstep: bool = False, use_tqdm: bool = True, C_err_reltol: float = 1e-09, dt_min: float = 0.0001)

Integration routine for use with my handwritten FT/RK4 steppers.

Optional naive adaptive time-stepping by setting adapt_tstep=True.


G, x0, y0 : array_like
Vectors of $\Gamma$ and initial positions ($x$, $y$) for the system of vortons.
C_0 : float
Initial of value of $C$ (see description in Vortons.C()) to compare to if doing adaptive time stepping.
t_eval : array_like
Times to store (not including $t=0$, which has already been stored).
A time stepping function that returns new positions after one step, e.g., one from the MANUAL_STEPPERS dict.
adapt_tstep : bool
Whether to apply adaptive time-stepping.
use_tqdm : bool, str
If True, or 'console', the console version of tqdm is used. Pass 'notebook' to activate the Jupyter widget version of tqdm.
def integrate_scipy(y0, t_eval, G_col, *, method: str = 'RK45', max_step: float, **options)

Integrate using scipy.integrate.solve_ivp, to which **options are passed, along with t_eval, method, and max_step.


y0 : array_like
Vorton state ($x$ and $y$ only) as a single column.
G_col : array_like
Array of $\Gamma$ values as a column vector, e.g., from Vortons.G_col.