026. Function overloading using an interface with module procedures#

topic: Modules

interface.f90 | | 0 | Godbolt Compiler Explorer logo | Fortran logo#
module m
   implicit none

   interface mean
      module procedure mean_1d, mean_2d
   end interface mean


   pure function mean_1d(x) result(y)
      real, intent(in) :: x(:)
      real             :: y
      y = sum(x)/max(1, size(x))
   end function mean_1d

   pure function mean_2d(x) result(y)
      real, intent(in) :: x(:, :)
      real             :: y
      y = sum(x)/max(1, size(x))
   end function mean_2d

end module m

program main
   use m, only: mean
   implicit none

   real :: x1(3), x2(2, 3)
   x1 = real([1, 4, 10])
   x2(1, :) = x1
   x2(2, :) = x1*3

   print *, mean(x1), mean(x2)  ! 5.0 10.0

end program main
   5.00000000       10.0000000    


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