027. Optional arguments (and the random_number
topic: Procedures
! Demonstrate optional arguments and the `random_number` intrinsic
program optional_arg
implicit none
real :: x(1000000)
call random_seed()
call random_number(x) ! generate uniform random deviates on (0,1]
print *, stdev(x)
print *, stdev(x, sum(x)/size(x)) ! using the optional argument
print *, stdev(x, xmean=sum(x)/size(x)) ! often good to name an optional argument
pure function stdev(x, xmean) result(xstd)
real, intent(in) :: x(:) ! data for which standard deviation computed
real, intent(in), optional :: xmean ! known mean if supplied
real :: xstd
real :: xmean_
integer :: n
n = size(x)
if (n < 2) then
xstd = -1.0 ! signal bad input
end if
! Create a shadow local variable for the optional argument -- a common pattern.
if (present(xmean)) then
xmean_ = xmean
xmean_ = sum(x)/n
end if
xstd = sqrt(sum((x - xmean_)**2)/(n - 1))
end function stdev
end program optional_arg
Within a procedure, you should test that an optional argument is present
(with the present
intrinsic function) before attempting to use it.
Using an optional argument that is not present is a common cause of program crashes.
Created with @carbon_app pic.twitter.com/ZNqwgg3Wgq
— FortranTip (@fortrantip) December 19, 2021
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