049. Fortran is column-major#
topic: Arrays
The order you loop through multidimensional arrays can have a big impact on speed. Fortran is column-major, meaning consecutive elements of a column are stored next to each other in memory, and you should loop through arrays in this order.
program column_major
use iso_fortran_env, only: wp => real64, int64
integer, parameter :: m = 10000, n = m
integer :: array(m, n)
integer :: i, j, tot
integer(int64) :: irate, tic, toc
call system_clock(count_rate=irate) ! # of clock ticks per second
array = 0
! FASTER: Looping consecutively through columns
call system_clock(count=tic)
tot = 0
do j = 1, size(array, dim=2)
do i = 1, size(array, dim=1)
! Do something with array(i, j)
tot = tot + array(i, j)
end do
end do
call system_clock(count=toc)
print "(g12.3)", (toc - tic) / real(irate, wp)
! SLOWER: Looping consecutively through rows
call system_clock(count=tic)
tot = 0
do i = 1, size(array, dim=1)
do j = 1, size(array, dim=2)
! Do something with array(i, j)
tot = tot + array(i, j)
end do
end do
call system_clock(count=toc)
print "(g12.3)", (toc - tic) / real(irate, wp)
end program
Another way to think about this is to say that the first (leftmost) index (\(i\)) varies fastest when considering all elements of the array in storage order, as illustrated here, so you want that to be the innermost loop. The last (rightmost) index (\(j\) in 2-D), varies slowest, so we want this to be our outermost loop.
Different languages use different storage.
For example, C is row-major, and this is what NumPy uses by default.
Want NumPy arrays to be stored Fortran-style (column-major) instead?
Specify order='F'
when creating arrays!
Although Fortran’s array storage order is column-major,
semantically we still refer to the first dimension
in the above program, first index (i
) in the array(i, j)
as the row dimension (with index \(i\)).
This idea extends to arrays with more than two dimensions.
In general, the loop nesting order for fastest access will be
last dimension \(\to \ldots \to\) first dimension,
as shown here.
Also, the 1-D slice arr(:, 1, 1, ..., 1)
is contiguous,
like the column slice arr(:, 1)
is for 2-D arrays.
Some further references:
The order you loop through multidimensional arrays can have a big impact on speed. Fortran is column-major, meaning consecutive elements of a column are stored next to each other in memory, and you should loop through arrays in this order. pic.twitter.com/oEtrOaMbzC
— FortranTip (@fortrantip) December 26, 2021
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