047. reshape with the optional order and pad arguments#

topic: Arrays

reshape returns an array with a different shape than the source array. Optional order argument changes the order of elements of source from the usual column major. Optional pad argument fills the result, with recycling, after the source is exhausted.

reshape-array.f90 | | 0 | Godbolt Compiler Explorer logo | Fortran logo#
program test_reshape
   implicit none

   integer, allocatable :: v(:), m(:, :)

   v = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

   print *, "Fill column-wise (default):"
   m = reshape(source=v, shape=[2, 3])
   print *, m(1, :)  ! 1 3 5
   print *, m(2, :)  ! 2 4 6

   print *, "Fill row-wise:"
   m = reshape(source=v, shape=[2, 3], order=[2, 1])
   print *, m(1, :)  ! 1 2 3
   print *, m(2, :)  ! 4 5 6

   print *, "Pad with [1, -1] after exhausting source [0, 0]:"
   m = reshape(source=[0, 0], shape=[2, 3], order=[2, 1], pad=[1, -1])
   print *, m(1, :)  !  0 0  1
   print *, m(2, :)  ! -1 1 -1

   print *, "Repeat row-wise example supplying `pad` (unused):"
   ! Here `pad` is unused because `size(source)` equals `product(shape)`
   m = reshape(source=v, shape=[2, 3], order=[2, 1], pad=[1, -1])
   print *, m(1, :)  !  1 2 3
   print *, m(2, :)  !  4 5 6

end program test_reshape
 Fill column-wise (default):
           1           3           5
           2           4           6
 Fill row-wise:
           1           2           3
           4           5           6
 Pad with [1, -1] after exhausting source [0, 0]:
           0           0           1
          -1           1          -1
 Repeat row-wise example supplying `pad` (unused):
           1           2           3
           4           5           6


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