Tips index#
By topic#
According to the FortranTip topics page. Note that these are exclusive categories.
012. Fortran has allocation-on-assignment
040. If allocation errors must be handled, use
rather than automatic arrays in procedures180. ALLOCATE with SOURCE or MOLD to set values or SHAPE.
182. ALLOCATE has an optional ERRMSG specifier.
183. If unsure, test whether a variable is ALLOCATED before using DEALLOCATE.
184. Use MOVE_ALLOC to resize an array.
185. MOVE_ALLOC may be faster than RESHAPE or allocation on assignment to resize an array.
Array arguments#
122. Array lower bounds are not preserved when passed as assumed shape argument.
123. Bounds of a derived type array component are preserved when passed to procedure.
124. Bounds of an allocatable array are preserved when passed to an allocatable, intent(in) or intent(in out) argument.
136. Check that assumed-shape array arguments have consistent dimensions.
226. Wrap a procedure with explicit shape array arguments in a procedure with an assumed shape arguments for safety.
227. Sequence association effectively lets you pass a pointer to an array element.
228. With sequence association, the shapes of the actual and dummy arguments need not match.
008. Array intrinsic functions:
009. Fortran array sections contain both endpoints
010. Fortran arrays can have any lower bound (the default is 1)
and other array functions have an optionaldim
ension argument021.
selects elements042. Zero-size array constructor
043. Comparing Fortran and NumPy syntax
with the optionalorder
arguments049. Fortran is column-major
053. Use ALL(A==B) to test for array equality
060. Many compilers evaluate ALL(x==y) efficiently with short-circuiting
073. Use parameters to dimension fixed-size arrays to make a code easier to change
084. DIMENSION can be used to declare several arrays of the same SHAPE
095. Array constructor with [] was introduced in Fortran 2003. Still valid is (//)
108. Vector subscript can be used for non-contiguous array sections.
109. Setting the values of an array section
116. Concatenate arrays and scalars in an array constructor []
117. spread(source, dim, ncopies) copies a SOURCE array NCOPIES times along dimension DIM.
121. How to reverse an array or character string
229. Use the optional KIND argument of SIZE, MINLOC, FINDLOC etc. for large arrays.
creates an alias for expressions or variables141. Pointer assignment and ASSOCIATE can create shallow copies.
142. ASSOCIATE is preferred over POINTER to create an alias because POINTER can inhibit optimization.
143. ASSOCIATE statement can set several independent variables.
144. A variable ASSOCIATEd to an ALLOCATABLE variable is not ALLOCATABLE.
146. Bounds of associate-name for whole array or array section selector
181. ASSOCIATE to an array-valued expression allocates an array.
001. Hello World
is the exponentiation operator007. Integer division truncates
054. Consider using a tolerance to compare floats
064. Case insensitivity
077. Use integer powers when possible.
078. Parenthesize a variable to copy it “on the fly”.
139. BLOCK construct allows declarations after executable statements.
Character variables#
016. An array of character variables has elements of the same
gth017. Character variables are padded with spaces at the end if necessary
051. Doubled delimiter in a string is regarded as a single character of the constant
059. LEN of a character variable may be deferred in Fortran 2003 on
066. Do case-insensitive string comparisons by converting to lower case
079. Substrings of character variable arrays
080. Intrinsic character functions
081. Syntax for character array without manual padding
118. Convert from strings to numbers and the reverse using internal READ and WRITE.
119. Internal write to character variable too small to hold output causes run-time error.
120. Character variables can be compared like numerical variables.
169. print*,char(7) causes the program to beep.
170. Use an implied do loop with TRIM to print an array of character variables without trailing blanks.
197. Create an executable in one step by compiling all source files or by compiling source files with -c and linking the object files.
198. Compilation can fail if there is no main program or if a USEd module has not been compiled.
199. Fortran Package Manager simplifies building programs.
200. Fortran-lang has a section on Building Programs, and F18 has a compiler options comparison.
201. Compiler Explorer shows the assembly code generated by many Fortran compilers.
202. Compilers may accept extensions by default but have options to flag non-standard code.
203. Use ifort -fast or gfortran -O3 -march=native for speed.
204. When is the -ffast-math option safe?
207. Use compiler options to catch the use of uninitialized variables.
Data types#
002. Intrinsic data types
033. Declare floating point variables with
s034. Replace non-standard
declaration withreal(kind=real64)
should be used with akind
argument057. Use .true. and .false. for Booleans, not 1 and 0
070. Real and integer KIND constants from iso_fortran_env; HUGE() and TINY()
071. KindFinder code finds all KIND Values implemented by a compiler
072. Fortran 2008 introduced z%re and z%im as alternatives to real(z) and aimag(z)
075. KIND numbers of types are not portable across compilers and should not be used directly.
076. Use d0 or _kind to make a constant double precision.
130. storage_size(A) returns the storage size of argument A in bits.
195. TRANSFER can be used to store one type in another type.
196. NOT, IAND, IOR, and IEOR perform logical operations on the bit representations of integers.
205. Use IANY instead of nested IOR, IALL instead of nested IAND.
206. B, O, Z edit descriptors can be used to print integers as binary, octal, or hexadecimal.
224. Ways of declaring character variables
Derived types#
045. Derived type definition, initialization, and operator overloading
050. Store data as an array of derived types or a derived type with array components?
126. A derived type can be used where a scalar is needed.
127. A derived type can have derived type components.
128. A derived type component can have a default value.
129. A derived type can have PRIVATE components.
186. Deallocating a derived type deallocates its allocatable components.
191. Derived type array sections are allowed before or after the % component selector, but not in both places.
192. Implied do loop can access arbitrary derived type array sections.
194. Use PACK to select records from an array of derived types.
Environment variables#
111. Execute_command_line() to pass a command to the shell.
112. Execute_command_line() can call gnuplot to display a plot during a run.
113. Document results with compiler_version(), compiler_options(), and other intrinsics.
114. Demonstrate subroutine get_environment_variable(name,value) of Fortran 2003.
115. get_command() and get_command_argument() get command line arguments.
Floating point arithmetic#
Fortran resources#
005. Fortran compilers and tutorials
052. Intel Fortran Compiler (ifx)
058. To learn about Fortran beyond F95, read the New Features articles of John Reid
061. Compiler Support for the Fortran 2008 and 2018 Standards
065. Fortran-lang suggested variable naming conventions
092. List of Fortran compilers, build tools, text editors, etc.
106. Google foo filetype:f90 or foo filetype:f to find Fortran code with foo.
107. Polyhedron suggested compiler optimization options and Fortran 95 benchmarks
110. Mistakes in Fortran 90 Programs That Might Surprise You, by Szymanski
125. Modern Fortran Reference Card and Quick Reference/Cheat Sheet.
138. Five free C C++ Fortran compiler families
173. MOOC on “Defensive programming and debugging”
193. Fortran codes are listed by topic at the fortran-lang package index and Fortran Code on GitHub
219. Use valgrind to find memory leaks in programs that use pointers.
223. List of books with Fortran code other than Fortran textbooks.
Generic programming#
Input and Output#
036. Reading user input
037. Using
for file I/O038. Use unformatted stream of Fortran 2003 for large-scale I/O
041. Use
edit descriptors with infinite repeat count to write delimited (CSV, etc.) output044. List-directed vs. explicitly formatted output
069. Advance=”no” specifier of WRITE
091. Use iostat and iomsg to handle READ errors
150. Connect INPUT_UNIT and OUTPUT_UNIT to files to redirect standard input and output.
151. Unit n is connected to fort.n by default for most compilers.
152. Write to many files by creating file names with internal write.
153. Number of files open simultaneously is limited, so they should be closed when possible.
154. Use NEWUNIT in OPEN to get an unused unit number.
155. Use INQUIRE to get unit and file properties.
156. How to append to a file or delete it
157. DIRECT access file allows access to arbitrary record without looping over the previous records.
158. Specific array elements can read or written to unformatted stream file by specifying the POS.
159. Stream input/output article by Clive Page
160. Slash / terminates a record.
161. Use REWIND and BACKSPACE to change file position.
171. Error in READ statement causes all variables to become undefined.
172. Use the “(a)” format to read a line of a file into a string.
174. List-directed READ will use several lines if necessary.
175. Use an implied do loop with a dummy variable to skip fields when reading a file.
176. Because recursive I/O is prohibited, a function should use ERROR STOP msg instead of PRINT statements for error messages.
177. Read a file into a string with unformatted stream.
178. Scratch files are unnamed temporary files for I/O.
190. Serialize a derived type using unformatted stream I/O.
225. Special meanings of * and / in list-directed input
Interoperability with C and C++#
208. Fortran 2003 standardized the interoperation of Fortran and C.
209. C library functions can be called if an INTERFACE is provided.
210. Non-pointer arguments of C functions should have the VALUE attribute in the Fortran interface.
211. A simple derived type with the BIND(C) attribute interoperates with a C struct.
212. The Fortran name can differ from the C name of a function if the NAME attribute appears in BIND.
213. C++ functions can be called from Fortran if they are declared extern “C” and have C-like arguments.
214. Use the std::span container from C++ 20 to view a contiguous Fortran array with a STL-compatible interface.
215. Fortran array x(n1,n2) passed to C array x[n2][n1]
216. Common block and module variables with bind(c) can be accessed from C.
217. An allocated allocatable array can be passed to C as an explicit-shape array.
218. Use TYPE(C_PTR) and C_F_POINTER to call a C function returning a pointer.
220. Use c_funloc() to pass a Fortran function as an argument to a C function.
221. An omitted Fortran optional argument corresponds to a NULL argument of a C function.
222. C can call Fortran procedures with prototypes generated by gfortran -fc-prototypes.
ing ado
loop020. Loop variable after completion
162. EXIT can be used to leave a named outer loop.
163. CYCLE skips the remaining statements in a loop.
164. Changing a loop index within a loop is invalid.
165. Number of iterations in a loop is determined at the beginning.
166. Beware of a loop to huge(i), since huge(i)+1 is out of range.
167. Invalid loop bounds were discussed at Fortran Discourse.
168. DO WHILE loop iterates as long as condition at beginning is met.
Math intrinsic functions#
025. Avoid polluting the namespace by using
026. Function overloading using an interface with module procedures
032. Use
s in modules to define constants039. Name modules and the source files containing them consistently, with one module per file
087. Use the same name for analogous procedures defined in different modules using an INTERFACE
088. How to rename an imported module entity
089. Module entities are PUBLIC by default.
090. An unqualified USE foo statement imports public entities defined in foo and what foo imported.
096. PROTECTED module variables cannot be changed outside the module.
179. Place IMPLICIT NONE before CONTAINS in a module.
Parameterized derived types#
022. Functions should be
and haveintent(in)
functions broadcast arguments024. Put functions and subroutines in modules to ensure that interfaces are checked
027. Optional arguments (and the
intrinsic)028. Define and call a subroutine
029. Subroutines can have
intent(in out)
arguments, but functions should not030. Specify function and subroutine
s031. Procedures can be recursive
063. Returning multiple values from a subroutine or function
067. How size of an array function result can depend on function arguments
068. Len of character variable function result can depend on arguments
074. Avoid implicit save
082. Two types of syntax for defining a function
083. Propagation of an optional argument
085. UnALLOCATED variable passed to a procedure is not PRESENT there.
086. Procedures can be called with a mix of named and positional arguments.
093. Fortran 2008 introduced IMPURE ELEMENTAL procedures
094. Impure elemental procedure can be used to generate array of non-uniform variates
097. Use INTRINSIC to specify that compiler-provided procedures and modules are referenced
098. VALUE attribute for procedure arguments introduced in Fortran 2003
100. An INTENT(OUT) argument is undefined at the beginning of a procedure
101. ALLOCATABLE INTENT(OUT) argument is deallocated.
102. Dummy argument that is changed must be definable in the caller.
105. A procedure can have an argument that is another PROCEDURE with an INTERFACE.
131. Fortran 2018 procedures can have assumed-rank arguments.
137. Errors in a procedure can be handled with an optional argument.
140. Internal procedures have access to variables from the host unless they are overridden by local variables.