Leaf Angle Distribution
Table of contents
Main program
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% Supplemental program 2.2
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Evaluate the leaf angle probability density function (PDF) from the beta
% distribution using the mean and standard deviation of the leaf inclination
% angle. The leaf angle PDF is calculated for 9 angle classes between 5 and 85
% degrees in increments of 10 degrees.
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- The variable "leaf" defines the leaf angle distribution type with parameters:
% lad_ave - mean leaf angle (radians)
% lad_std - standard deviation of leaf angle (radians)
leaf = 'Planophile';
% leaf = 'Erectophile';
% leaf = 'Plagiophile';
% leaf = 'Uniform';
% leaf = 'Spherical';
switch leaf
case 'Planophile'
lad_ave = 26.76 * (pi/180);
lad_std = 18.5068 * (pi/180);
case 'Erectophile'
lad_ave = 63.24 * (pi/180);
lad_std = 18.4960 * (pi/180);
case 'Plagiophile'
lad_ave = 45.00 * (pi/180);
lad_std = 16.2681 * (pi/180);
case 'Uniform'
lad_ave = 45.00 * (pi/180);
lad_std = 25.9808 * (pi/180);
case 'Spherical'
lad_ave = 57.30 * (pi/180);
lad_std = 21.5485 * (pi/180);
% --- Convert these to the p,q parameters for the beta distribution
num = 1 - (lad_std*lad_std + lad_ave*lad_ave) / (lad_ave * pi / 2);
den = (lad_std*lad_std + lad_ave*lad_ave) / (lad_ave*lad_ave) - 1;
p = num / den;
q = ((pi/2) / lad_ave - 1) * p;
% --- Calculate leaf inclination angle probability density function (PDF) and
% fractional abundance (lad) for 9 10-degree bins
dangle = 10 * (pi/180); % Leaf inclination angle increment (radians)
angle = [5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85]; % Leaf inclination angle (degrees)
angle = angle * (pi/180); % degrees -> radians
% --- Loop through each angle
for i = 1:length(angle)
x = angle(i) / (pi/2);
fp = x ^ (p - 1);
fq = (1 - x) ^ (q - 1);
beta_pdf(i) = 2 / pi * fp * fq / beta(p,q); % Leaf angle probability density function
beta_lad(i) = beta_pdf(i) * dangle; % Fraction of leaves in this angle bin
% --- Calculate the known solution
for i = 1:length(angle)
% Exact leaf angle probability density function
switch leaf
case 'Planophile'
exact_pdf(i) = 2 / pi * (1 + cos(2 * angle(i)));
case 'Erectophile'
exact_pdf(i) = 2 / pi * (1 - cos(2 * angle(i)));
case 'Plagiophile'
exact_pdf(i) = 2 / pi * (1 - cos(4 * angle(i)));
case 'Uniform'
exact_pdf(i) = 2 / pi;
case 'Spherical'
exact_pdf(i) = sin(angle(i));
% Exact relative leaf angle distribution (fraction)
exact_lad(i) = exact_pdf(i) * dangle;
% --- Print out fractional abundance and compare with known solution
% sum - sum of PDF * dangle (this sums to 1)
% ave - sum of angle * PDF * dangle (this is the mean)
beta_sum = 0;
beta_ave = 0;
exact_sum = 0;
exact_ave = 0;
fprintf(' \n')
fprintf('Leaf type = %15s\n', leaf)
fprintf(' Angle beta exact \n')
for i = 1:length(angle)
beta_sum = beta_sum + beta_lad(i);
beta_ave = beta_ave + angle(i) * beta_lad(i);
exact_sum = exact_sum + exact_lad(i);
exact_ave = exact_ave + angle(i) * exact_lad(i);
fprintf('%10.2f %15.4f %15.4f \n', angle(i)*180/pi, beta_lad(i), exact_lad(i))
fprintf(' \n')
fprintf('beta distribution \n')
fprintf('Sum of leaf angle distribution = %15.4f\n', beta_sum)
fprintf('Mean leaf angle = %15.4f\n', beta_ave*180/pi)
fprintf(' \n')
fprintf('Exact solution \n')
fprintf('Sum of leaf angle distribution = %15.4f\n', exact_sum)
fprintf('Mean leaf angle = %15.4f\n', exact_ave*180/pi)
% --- Analytical mean leaf angle
switch leaf
case 'Planophile'
fx = @(x) x .* 2 / pi .* (1 + cos(2 .* x));
case 'Erectophile'
fx = @(x) x .* 2 / pi .* (1 - cos(2 .* x));
case 'Plagiophile'
fx = @(x) x .* 2 / pi .* (1 - cos(4 .* x));
case 'Uniform'
fx = @(x) x .* 2 / pi;
case 'Spherical'
fx = @(x) x .* sin(x);
analytical_ave = integral(fx, 0, pi/2);
fprintf(' \n')
fprintf('Analytical solution \n')
fprintf('Mean leaf angle = %15.4f\n', analytical_ave*180/pi)
% --- Calculate Ross index
F1 = beta_lad(1) + beta_lad(2) + beta_lad(3);
F2 = beta_lad(4) + beta_lad(5) + beta_lad(6);
F3 = beta_lad(7) + beta_lad(8) + beta_lad(9);
beta_xl = 0.5 * (abs(0.134-F1) + abs(0.366-F2) + abs(0.5-F3));
if ((0.5-F3) < 0)
beta_xl = -beta_xl;
F1 = exact_lad(1) + exact_lad(2) + exact_lad(3);
F2 = exact_lad(4) + exact_lad(5) + exact_lad(6);
F3 = exact_lad(7) + exact_lad(8) + exact_lad(9);
exact_xl = 0.5 * (abs(0.134-F1) + abs(0.366-F2) + abs(0.5-F3));
if ((0.5-F3) < 0)
exact_xl = -exact_xl;
fprintf(' \n')
fprintf('Ross index \n')
fprintf('beta distribution = %15.4f\n', beta_xl)
fprintf(' Exact solution = %15.4f\n', exact_xl)
% --- Graph PDFs
x = 0:(pi/2)/100:pi/2; % x is linearly spaced values between 0 and pi/2 with increment (pi/2)/100
switch leaf
case 'Planophile'
y = 2 / pi * (1 + cos(2*x));
case 'Erectophile'
y = 2 / pi * (1 - cos(2*x));
case 'Plagiophile'
y = 2 / pi * (1 - cos(4*x));
case 'Uniform'
y = 2 / pi;
case 'Spherical'
y = sin(x);
x = x * (180/pi); % radians -> degrees
angle = angle * (180/pi); % radians -> degrees
xlabel('Leaf angle (degrees)')
Figure 1
(standard output) | View on GitHub | View raw
Leaf type = Planophile
Angle beta exact
5.00 0.2251 0.2205
15.00 0.2179 0.2073
25.00 0.1847 0.1825
35.00 0.1456 0.1491
45.00 0.1066 0.1111
55.00 0.0707 0.0731
65.00 0.0401 0.0397
75.00 0.0167 0.0149
85.00 0.0024 0.0017
beta distribution
Sum of leaf angle distribution = 1.0098
Mean leaf angle = 26.8582
Exact solution
Sum of leaf angle distribution = 1.0000
Mean leaf angle = 26.8558
Analytical solution
Mean leaf angle = 26.7622
Ross index
beta distribution = 0.4888
Exact solution = 0.4764