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Leaf Temperature

Table of contents
  1. Code
    1. Main program
    2. Aux. programs
  2. Output
    1. Text


Main program

sp_10_02.m | View on GitHub
% Supplemental program 10.2

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Calculate leaf temperature for different radiative forcing, wind speed,
% and stomatal conductance
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Pass variables to other routines as global variables

global tfrz sigma g visc0 Dh0 Dv0 Dc0 mmh2o
global tair pref eair wind cpair rhomol
global gsw gbw gbh gbc emleaf dleaf
global tleaf qa rn lwrad sh lh

% Physical constants

tfrz = 273.15;            % Freezing point of water (K)
sigma = 5.67e-08;         % Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W/m2/K4)
g = 9.80616;              % Gravitational acceleration (m/s2)
visc0 = 13.3e-06;         % Kinematic viscosity at 0C and 1013.25 hPa (m2/s)
Dh0 = 18.9e-06;           % Molecular diffusivity (heat) at 0C and 1013.25 hPa (m2/s)
Dv0 = 21.8e-06;           % Molecular diffusivity (H2O) at 0C and 1013.25 hPa (m2/s)
Dc0 = 13.8e-06;           % Molecular diffusivity (CO2) at 0C and 1013.25 hPa (m2/s)
rgas = 8.31447;           % Universal gas constant (J/K/mol)
mmdry = 28.966 / 1000;    % Molecular mass of dry air (kg/mol)
mmh2o = 18.016 / 1000;    % Molecular mass of water vapor (kg/mol)
cpd = 1004.64;            % Specific heat of dry air at constant pressure (J/kg/K)
cpw = 1810;               % Specific heat of water vapor at constant pressure (J/kg/K)

% Waveband indices: 1 = visible. 2 = near-infrared

vis = 1;
nir = 2;

% Number of data points to simulate: 4 wind speeds * 2 stomatal conductance * 2 solar radiation

num = 4 * 2 * 2;

% Input variables

for p = 1:num

   tair(p) = tfrz + 35;                  % Air temperature (K)
   relhum(p) = 50;                       % Relative humidity (%)
   pref(p) = 101325;                     % Air pressure (Pa)
   irsky(p) = 300;                       % Atmospheric longwave radiation (W/m2)
   irgrd(p) = sigma * (tfrz + 39.95)^4;  % Ground longwave radiation (W/m2)

   % Set wind speed (m/s) to specific values

   if (p == 1 | p == 5 | p == 9 | p == 13)
      wind(p) = 0.01;  % Still air
   if (p == 2 | p == 6 | p == 10 | p == 14)
      wind(p) = 0.1;   % Calm - smoke rises vertically
   if (p == 3 | p == 7 | p == 11 | p == 15)
      wind(p) = 1.0;   % Light air - smoke drift indicates wind direction
   if (p == 4 | p == 8 | p == 12 | p == 16)
      wind(p) = 5.0;   % Gentle breeze - leaves constantly moving and light flag extended

   % Solar radiation (W/m2) for visible and near-infrared wavebands

   if (p <= 8)
      swsky(p,vis) = 0.5 * 1100;         % Full sun
      swsky(p,nir) = 0.5 * 1100;
      swsky(p,vis) = 0.5 *  550;         % Cloudy
      swsky(p,nir) = 0.5 *  550;

   % Albedo of ground surface for visible and near-infrared wavebands

   albsoi(p,vis) = 0.1;
   albsoi(p,nir) = 0.2;

   % Leaf input

   rhol(p,vis) = 0.1;   % Leaf reflectance
   rhol(p,nir) = 0.4;
   taul(p,vis) = 0.1;   % Leaf transmittance
   taul(p,nir) = 0.4;

   emleaf(p) = 0.98;     % Leaf emissivity
   dleaf(p) = 0.05;      % Leaf dimension (m)

   % Leaf stomatal conductance (mol H2O/m2/s)

   if ((p >= 1 & p <=4) | (p >= 9 & p <= 12))
      gsw(p) = 0;            % Only longwave and sensible heat. No latent heat
   if ((p >= 5 & p <=8 | p >= 13 & p <= 16))
      gsw(p) = 0.4;          % Longwave, sensible heat, and latent heat


% Derived quantities

for p = 1:num

   % esat    ! Saturation vapor pressure of air (Pa)
   % eair    ! Vapor pressure of air (Pa)
   % qair    ! Specific humidity (kg/kg)
   % rhomol  ! Molar density (mol/m3)
   % rhoair  ! Air density (kg/m3)
   % mmair   ! Molecular mass of air (kg/mol)
   % cpair   ! Specific heat of air at constant pressure (J/mol/K)

   [esat, desat] = satvap (tair(p)-tfrz);
   eair(p) = (relhum(p) / 100) * esat;
   qair(p) = mmh2o / mmdry * eair(p) / (pref(p) - (1 - mmh2o/mmdry) * eair(p));
   rhomol(p) = pref(p) / (rgas * tair(p));
   rhoair(p) = rhomol(p) * mmdry * (1 - (1 - mmh2o/mmdry) * eair(p) / pref(p));
   mmair(p) = rhoair(p) / rhomol(p);
   cpair(p) = cpd * (1 + (cpw/cpd - 1) * qair(p)) * mmair(p);


% Radiative forcing (W/m2): absorbed solar + absorbed longwave radiation

for p = 1:num

   swinc(p,vis) = swsky(p,vis) * (1 + albsoi(p,vis));
   swinc(p,nir) = swsky(p,nir) * (1 + albsoi(p,nir));

   qa(p) = swinc(p,vis) * (1 - rhol(p,vis) - taul(p,vis)) ...
         + swinc(p,nir) * (1 - rhol(p,nir) - taul(p,nir)) + emleaf(p) * (irsky(p) + irgrd(p));


% Leaf temperature and fluxes

for p = 1:num

   rn(p) = 0;           % Leaf net radiation (W/m2)
   lwrad(p) = 0;        % Longwave radiation emitted from leaf (W/m2)
   sh(p) = 0;           % Leaf sensible heat flux (W/m2)
   lh(p) = 0;           % Leaf latent heat flux (W/m2)
   gbh(p) = 0;          % Leaf boundary layer conductance, heat (mol/m2/s)
   gbw(p) = 0;          % Leaf boundary layer conductance, H2O (mol H2O/m2/s)
   gbc(p) = 0;          % Leaf boundary layer conductance, CO2 (mol CO2/m2/s)
   tleaf(p) = tair(p);  % Initial estimate leaf temperature (K)

   % Solve for leaf temperature and fluxes. Need to iterate because boundary
   % layer conductances depend on tleaf (for free convection)

   niter = 0;
   delta = 1e36;

   while (niter <= 100 & abs(delta) > 1e-06)

      % Increment iteration counter

      niter = niter + 1;

      % Save temperature from previous iteration

      tleaf_old = tleaf(p);

      % Leaf boundary layer conductances

      [x] = leaf_boundary_layer (p);

      % Leaf temperature and energy fluxes

      [x] = leaf_temperature (p);

      % Change in leaf temperature

      delta = tleaf(p) - tleaf_old;


tleaf = tleaf - tfrz;
fprintf('qa = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',qa(1),qa(2),qa(3),qa(4),qa(5),qa(6),qa(7),qa(8))
fprintf('gsw = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',gsw(1),gsw(2),gsw(3),gsw(4),gsw(5),gsw(6),gsw(7),gsw(8))
fprintf('wind = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',wind(1),wind(2),wind(3),wind(4),wind(5),wind(6),wind(7),wind(8))
fprintf('tleaf = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',tleaf(1),tleaf(2),tleaf(3),tleaf(4),tleaf(5),tleaf(6),tleaf(7),tleaf(8))
fprintf('lwrad = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',lwrad(1),lwrad(2),lwrad(3),lwrad(4),lwrad(5),lwrad(6),lwrad(7),lwrad(8))
fprintf('sh = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',sh(1),sh(2),sh(3),sh(4),sh(5),sh(6),sh(7),sh(8))
fprintf('lh = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',lh(1),lh(2),lh(3),lh(4),lh(5),lh(6),lh(7),lh(8))

fprintf(' \n')

fprintf('qa = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',qa(9),qa(10),qa(11),qa(12),qa(13),qa(14),qa(15),qa(16))
fprintf('gsw = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',gsw(9),gsw(10),gsw(11),gsw(12),gsw(13),gsw(14),gsw(15),gsw(16))
fprintf('wind = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',wind(9),wind(10),wind(11),wind(12),wind(13),wind(14),wind(15),wind(16))
fprintf('tleaf = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',tleaf(9),tleaf(10),tleaf(11),tleaf(12),tleaf(13),tleaf(14),tleaf(15),tleaf(16))
fprintf('lwrad = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',lwrad(9),lwrad(10),lwrad(11),lwrad(12),lwrad(13),lwrad(14),lwrad(15),lwrad(16))
fprintf('sh = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',sh(9),sh(10),sh(11),sh(12),sh(13),sh(14),sh(15),sh(16))
fprintf('lh = %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',lh(9),lh(10),lh(11),lh(12),lh(13),lh(14),lh(15),lh(16))

Aux. programs

leaf_boundary_layer.m | View on GitHub
function [x] = leaf_boundary_layer (p)

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Calculate leaf boundary layer conductances
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Global variables

global tfrz g visc0 Dh0 Dv0 Dc0
global gbh gbw gbc dleaf
global pref tair wind rhomol 
global tleaf

% Adjust diffusivity for temperature and pressure

fac = 101325 / pref(p) * (tair(p) / tfrz)^1.81;

visc = visc0 * fac;    % Kinematic viscosity (m2/s)
Dh = Dh0 * fac;        % Molecular diffusivity, heat (m2/s)
Dv = Dv0 * fac;        % Molecular diffusivity, H2O (m2/s)
Dc = Dc0 * fac;        % Molecular diffusivity, CO2 (m2/s)

% Dimensionless numbers

Re = wind(p) * dleaf(p) / visc;   % Reynolds number
Pr  = visc / Dh;                  % Prandtl number
Scv = visc / Dv;                  % Schmidt number for H2O
Scc = visc / Dc;                  % Schmidt number for CO2
Gr = g * dleaf(p)^3 * max(tleaf(p) - tair(p), 0) / (tair(p) * visc * visc); % Grashof number

% Empirical correction factor for Nu and Sh

b1 = 1.5;

% Forced convection - laminar flow

Nu_lam  = b1 * 0.66 *  Pr^0.33 * Re^0.5;     % Nusselt number
Shv_lam = b1 * 0.66 * Scv^0.33 * Re^0.5;     % Sherwood number, H2O
Shc_lam = b1 * 0.66 * Scc^0.33 * Re^0.5;     % Sherwood number, CO2

% Forced convection - turbulent flow

Nu_turb  = b1 * 0.036 *  Pr^0.33 * Re^0.8;   % Nusselt number
Shv_turb = b1 * 0.036 * Scv^0.33 * Re^0.8;   % Sherwood number, H2O
Shc_turb = b1 * 0.036 * Scc^0.33 * Re^0.8;   % Sherwood number, CO2

% Choose correct flow regime for forced convection

Nu_forced = max(Nu_lam, Nu_turb);
Shv_forced = max(Shv_lam, Shv_turb);
Shc_forced = max(Shc_lam, Shc_turb);

% Free convection

Nu_free  = 0.54 *  Pr^0.25 * Gr^0.25;        % Nusselt number
Shv_free = 0.54 * Scv^0.25 * Gr^0.25;        % Sherwood number, H2O
Shc_free = 0.54 * Scc^0.25 * Gr^0.25;        % Sherwood number, CO2

% Both convection regimes occur together

Nu = Nu_forced + Nu_free;
Shv = Shv_forced + Shv_free;
Shc = Shc_forced + Shc_free;

% Boundary layer conductances (mol/m2/s)

gbh(p) = Dh * Nu / dleaf(p) * rhomol(p);      % Heat
gbw(p) = Dv * Shv / dleaf(p) * rhomol(p);     % H2O
gbc(p) = Dc * Shc / dleaf(p) * rhomol(p);     % CO2

% Dummy output

x = 0;
leaf_temperature.m | View on GitHub
function [dtleaf] = leaf_temperature (p)

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Use Newton-Raphson iteration to solve the leaf energy budget for leaf temperature
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Global variables

global tfrz mmh2o sigma
global tair cpair pref eair
global gsw gbw gbh emleaf
global tleaf qa rn lwrad sh lh

niter = 0;           % Number of iterations
err = 1e36;          % Energy inbalance (W/m2)

% Iteration is until energy imbalance < 1e-06 W/m2 or to 100 iterations

while (niter <= 100 & abs(err) > 1e-06)

   % Increment iteration counter

   niter = niter + 1;

   % Saturation vapor pressure ESAT (Pa) and temperature derivative DESAT (Pa/K)

   [esat, desat] = satvap (tleaf(p)-tfrz);

   % Latent heat of vaporization (J/mol)

   lambda = 2501.6 - 2.3773 * (tair(p) - tfrz);  % J/g
   lambda = lambda * 1000 * mmh2o;               % J/g -> J/kg -> J/mol

   % Leaf conductance for water vapor (mol H2O/m2/s)

   gleaf = gsw(p) * gbw(p) / (gsw(p) + gbw(p));

   % Emitted longwave radiation LWRAD (W/m2) and temperature derivative DLWRAD (W/m2/K)

   lwrad(p) = 2 * emleaf(p) * sigma * tleaf(p)^4;
   dlwrad = -8 * emleaf(p) * sigma * tleaf(p)^3;

   % Sensible heat flux SH (W/m2) and temperature derivative DSH (W/m2/K)

   sh(p) = 2 * cpair(p) * (tleaf(p) - tair(p)) * gbh(p);
   dsh = -2 * cpair(p) * gbh(p);

   % Latent heat flux LH (W/m2) and temperature derivative DLH (W/m2/K)

   lh(p) = lambda * (esat - eair(p)) / pref(p) * gleaf;
   dlh = -lambda * desat / pref(p) * gleaf;

   % Energy imbalance (W/m2)

   err = qa(p) - lwrad(p) - sh(p) - lh(p);

   % Change in leaf temperature (K)

   dtleaf = -err / (dlwrad + dsh + dlh);

   % Update leaf temperature (K)

   tleaf(p) = tleaf(p) + dtleaf;


% Net radiation (W/m2)

rn(p) = qa(p) - lwrad(p);

% Error check

err = rn(p) - sh(p) - lh(p);
if (abs(err) > 1e-06)
   fprintf('err = %15.3f\n',err)
   fprintf('qa = %15.3f\n',qa(p))
   fprintf('lwrad = %15.3f\n',lwrad(p))
   fprintf('sh = %15.3f\n',sh(p))
   fprintf('lh = %15.3f\n',lh(p))
   error ('leaf temperature error')
satvap.m | View on GitHub
function [esat, desat] = satvap (tc)

% Compute saturation vapor pressure and change in saturation vapor pressure
% with respect to temperature. Polynomial approximations are from:
% Flatau et al. (1992) Polynomial fits to saturation vapor pressure.
% Journal of Applied Meteorology 31:1507-1513. Input temperature is Celsius.

% --- For water vapor (temperature range is 0C to 100C)
a0 =  6.11213476;        b0 =  0.444017302;
a1 =  0.444007856;       b1 =  0.286064092e-01;
a2 =  0.143064234e-01;   b2 =  0.794683137e-03;
a3 =  0.264461437e-03;   b3 =  0.121211669e-04;
a4 =  0.305903558e-05;   b4 =  0.103354611e-06;
a5 =  0.196237241e-07;   b5 =  0.404125005e-09;
a6 =  0.892344772e-10;   b6 = -0.788037859e-12;
a7 = -0.373208410e-12;   b7 = -0.114596802e-13;
a8 =  0.209339997e-15;   b8 =  0.381294516e-16;
% --- For ice (temperature range is -75C to 0C)
c0 =  6.11123516;        d0 =  0.503277922;
c1 =  0.503109514;       d1 =  0.377289173e-01;
c2 =  0.188369801e-01;   d2 =  0.126801703e-02;
c3 =  0.420547422e-03;   d3 =  0.249468427e-04;
c4 =  0.614396778e-05;   d4 =  0.313703411e-06;
c5 =  0.602780717e-07;   d5 =  0.257180651e-08;
c6 =  0.387940929e-09;   d6 =  0.133268878e-10;
c7 =  0.149436277e-11;   d7 =  0.394116744e-13;
c8 =  0.262655803e-14;   d8 =  0.498070196e-16;

% --- Limit temperature to -75C to 100C
tc = min(tc, 100);
tc = max(tc, -75);

% --- Saturation vapor pressure (esat, mb) and derivative (desat, mb)

if (tc >= 0)
   esat  = a0 + tc*(a1 + tc*(a2 + tc*(a3 + tc*(a4 ...
         + tc*(a5 + tc*(a6 + tc*(a7 + tc*a8)))))));
   desat = b0 + tc*(b1 + tc*(b2 + tc*(b3 + tc*(b4 ...
         + tc*(b5 + tc*(b6 + tc*(b7 + tc*b8)))))));
   esat  = c0 + tc*(c1 + tc*(c2 + tc*(c3 + tc*(c4 ...
         + tc*(c5 + tc*(c6 + tc*(c7 + tc*c8)))))));
   desat = d0 + tc*(d1 + tc*(d2 + tc*(d3 + tc*(d4 ...
         + tc*(d5 + tc*(d6 + tc*(d7 + tc*d8)))))));

% --- Convert from mb to Pa

esat  = esat  * 100;
desat = desat * 100;



sp_10_02_out.txt (standard output) | View on GitHub | View raw
qa =    1444.00    1444.00    1444.00    1444.00    1444.00    1444.00    1444.00    1444.00
gsw =       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.40       0.40       0.40       0.40
wind =       0.01       0.10       1.00       5.00       0.01       0.10       1.00       5.00
tleaf =      49.40      45.77      40.88      38.18      39.84      37.71      35.78      35.17
lwrad =    1202.86    1149.67    1080.71    1044.12    1066.54    1037.71    1012.29    1004.21
sh =     241.14     294.33     363.29     399.88      67.85      65.50      45.64      20.18
lh =       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00     309.61     340.79     386.07     419.61
qa =    1136.00    1136.00    1136.00    1136.00    1136.00    1136.00    1136.00    1136.00
gsw =       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.40       0.40       0.40       0.40
wind =       0.01       0.10       1.00       5.00       0.01       0.10       1.00       5.00
tleaf =      39.90      38.53      36.84      35.98      36.29      33.49      32.93      33.42
lwrad =    1067.28    1048.75    1026.25    1014.86    1018.92     982.59     975.37     981.60
sh =      68.72      87.26     109.75     121.14       6.78     -25.08    -109.03    -186.44
lh =       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00     110.30     178.49     269.66     340.84