% Supplemental program 14.4
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Compare longwave radiative transfer calculated using the analytical
% canopy-integrated model and the Norman multilayer model
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- Parameters
sigma = 5.67e-08; % Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W/m2/K4)
tfrz = 273.15; % Freezing point of water (K)
emleaf = 0.98; % Leaf emissivity
emgrnd = 1.00; % Ground (soil) emissivity
% emgrnd = 0.96; % Ground (soil) emissivity
LAI = 4.9; % Leaf area index (m2/m2)
tveg = tfrz + 25; % Canopy temperature (K)
tgrnd = tfrz + 20; % Ground temperature (K)
irsky = 400; % Atmospheric longwave radiation (W/m2)
% --- For Norman radiation
nveg = 49; % Number of leaf layers (each with lai = dlai)
nsoi = 1; % First canopy layer is soil
nbot = nsoi + 1; % Index for bottom leaf layer
ntop = nbot + nveg - 1; % Index for top leaf layer
for iv = nbot:ntop
tleaf(iv) = tveg; % Leaf temperature (K)
dlai(iv) = 0.1; % Layer leaf area index (m2/m2)
td(iv) = 0.915; % Exponential transmittance of diffuse radiation through a single leaf layer
% --- Longwave radiation transfer through canopy (analytical method)
% Diffuse (Kd) and direct beam (Kb) extinction coefficients
Kd = 0.78;
Kb = 0.5;
% Longwave flux from ground and leaf
Lgrnd = emgrnd * sigma * tgrnd^4;
Lleaf = emleaf * sigma * tveg^4;
% Canopy integration: compare analytical solution with numerical integration
Lc = emleaf * (irsky + Lgrnd) * (1 - exp(-Kd*LAI)) - 2 * Lleaf * (1 - exp(-Kd*LAI));
f1 = @(x) (emleaf*Lgrnd - Lleaf) * Kd * exp(-Kd * (LAI-x)) + (emleaf*irsky - Lleaf) * Kd * exp(-Kd * x);
Lc_numerical = integral(f1, 0, LAI);
fprintf('Analytical model \n')
fprintf('Lc = %15.5f\n',Lc)
fprintf('Lc = %15.5f\n',Lc_numerical)
irveg = Lc;
% Sunlit canopy: compare analytical solution with numerical integration
Lcsun = (emleaf * irsky - Lleaf) * Kd / (Kd + Kb) * (1 - exp(-(Kd+Kb)*LAI)) + ...
(emleaf * Lgrnd - Lleaf) * Kd / (Kd - Kb) * (exp(-Kb*LAI) - exp(-Kd*LAI));
f1sun = @(x) f1(x) .* exp(-Kb * x);
Lcsun_numerical = integral(f1sun, 0, LAI);
fprintf('Lcsun = %15.5f\n',Lcsun)
fprintf('Lcsun = %15.5f\n',Lcsun_numerical)
% Shaded canopy: compare analytical solution with numerical integration
Lcsha = Lc - Lcsun;
f1sha = @(x) f1(x) .* (1 - exp(-Kb * x));
Lcsha_numerical = integral(f1sha, 0, LAI);
fprintf('Lcsha = %15.5f\n',Lcsha)
fprintf('Lcsha = %15.5f\n',Lcsha_numerical)
% Absorbed longwave radiation for ground (soil)
Ld = irsky * (1 - emleaf * (1 - exp(-Kd * LAI))) + emleaf * sigma * tveg^4 * (1 - exp(-Kd * LAI));
irsoi = Ld - Lgrnd;
% Canopy emitted longwave radiation
Lu = Lgrnd * (1 - emleaf * (1 - exp(-Kd * LAI))) + emleaf * sigma * tveg^4 * (1 - exp(-Kd * LAI));
irup = Lu;
% Conservation check: absorbed = incoming - outgoing
sumabs = irsky - irup;
err = sumabs - (irveg + irsoi);
if (abs(err) > 1e-03)
fprintf('err = %15.5f\n',err)
fprintf('sumabs = %15.5f\n',sumabs)
fprintf('irveg = %15.5f\n',irveg)
fprintf('irsoi = %15.5f\n',irsoi)
error ('Analytical solution: Longwave conservation error')
fprintf(' \n')
fprintf('irup = %15.5f\n',irup)
fprintf('irveg = %15.5f\n',irveg)
fprintf('irsoi = %15.5f\n',irsoi)
fprintf(' \n')
% --- Longwave radiation transfer through canopy using Norman (1979)
fprintf('Norman model \n')
% --- Leaf scattering coefficient
omega = 1 - emleaf;
% --- Intercepted radiation is reflected
rho = omega; % Leaf reflectance
tau = 0; % Leaf transmittance
% --- Intercepted radiation is both reflected and transmitted
% rho = omega * 0.5;
% tau = omega * 0.5;
% --- Emitted longwave radiation from leaves (W/m2)
for iv = nbot:ntop
ir_source(iv) = emleaf * sigma * tleaf(iv)^4 * (1 - td(iv));
% --- Set up and solve tridiagonal system of equations for upward and downward fluxes
% There are two equations for each canopy layer and the soil. The first
% equation is the upward flux and the second equation is the downward flux.
m = 0;
% Soil: upward flux
iv = nsoi;
m = m + 1;
atri(m) = 0;
btri(m) = 1;
ctri(m) = -(1 - emgrnd);
dtri(m) = emgrnd * sigma * tgrnd^4;
% Soil: downward flux
refld = (1 - td(iv+1)) * rho;
trand = (1 - td(iv+1)) * tau + td(iv+1);
aiv = refld - trand * trand / refld;
biv = trand / refld;
m = m + 1;
atri(m) = -aiv;
btri(m) = 1;
ctri(m) = -biv;
dtri(m) = (1 - biv) * ir_source(iv+1);
% Leaf layers, excluding top layer
for iv = nbot:ntop-1
% Upward flux
refld = (1 - td(iv)) * rho;
trand = (1 - td(iv)) * tau + td(iv);
fiv = refld - trand * trand / refld;
eiv = trand / refld;
m = m + 1;
atri(m) = -eiv;
btri(m) = 1;
ctri(m) = -fiv;
dtri(m) = (1 - eiv) * ir_source(iv);
% Downward flux
refld = (1 - td(iv+1)) * rho;
trand = (1 - td(iv+1)) * tau + td(iv+1);
aiv = refld - trand * trand / refld;
biv = trand / refld;
m = m + 1;
atri(m) = -aiv;
btri(m) = 1;
ctri(m) = -biv;
dtri(m) = (1 - biv) * ir_source(iv+1);
% Top canopy layer: upward flux
iv = ntop;
refld = (1 - td(iv)) * rho;
trand = (1 - td(iv)) * tau + td(iv);
fiv = refld - trand * trand / refld;
eiv = trand / refld;
m = m + 1;
atri(m) = -eiv;
btri(m) = 1;
ctri(m) = -fiv;
dtri(m) = (1 - eiv) * ir_source(iv);
% Top canopy layer: downward flux
m = m + 1;
atri(m) = 0;
btri(m) = 1;
ctri(m) = 0;
dtri(m) = irsky;
% Solve tridiagonal equations for upward and downward fluxes
[utri] = tridiagonal_solver (atri, btri, ctri, dtri, m);
% Now copy the solution (utri) to the upward (irup) and downward (irdn)
% fluxes for each layer
% irup - Upward longwave flux above layer
% irdn - Downward longwave flux onto layer
m = 0;
% Soil fluxes
iv = nsoi;
m = m + 1;
irup(iv) = utri(m);
m = m + 1;
irdn(iv) = utri(m);
% Leaf layer fluxes
for iv = nbot:ntop
m = m + 1;
irup(iv) = utri(m);
m = m + 1;
irdn(iv) = utri(m);
% --- Error check: compare tridiagonal solution with actual equations
iv = ntop;
irdn_eq(iv) = irsky;
for iv = ntop-1: -1: nsoi
irdn_eq(iv) = irdn(iv+1) * (td(iv+1)+(1-td(iv+1))*tau) + irup(iv) * ((1-td(iv+1))*rho) ...
+ emleaf*sigma*tleaf(iv+1)^4*(1-td(iv+1));
iv = nsoi;
irup_eq(iv) = (1-emgrnd) * irdn(iv) + emgrnd*sigma*tgrnd^4;
for iv = nsoi:ntop-1
irup_eq(iv+1) = irup(iv) * (td(iv+1)+(1-td(iv+1))*tau) + irdn(iv+1) * ((1-td(iv+1))*rho) ...
+ emleaf*sigma*tleaf(iv+1)^4*(1-td(iv+1));
for iv = nsoi:ntop
err = irdn_eq(iv) - irdn(iv);
if (abs(err) > 1e-10)
fprintf('err = %15.5f\n',err)
fprintf('tridiag = %15.5f\n',irdn(iv))
fprintf('eq = %15.5f\n',irdn_eq(iv))
error ('Norman radiation: downward error')
err = irup_eq(iv) - irup(iv);
if (abs(err) > 1e-10)
fprintf('err = %15.5f\n',err)
fprintf('tridiag = %15.5f\n',irup(iv))
fprintf('eq = %15.5f\n',irup_eq(iv))
error ('Norman radiation: upward error')
% --- Compute fluxes
% Absorbed longwave radiation for ground (soil)
iv = nsoi;
irabs(iv) = irdn(iv) - irup(iv);
irsoi = irabs(iv);
% Absorbed longwave radiation for leaf layers
for iv = nbot:ntop
irabs(iv) = emleaf * (irdn(iv) + irup(iv-1)) * (1 - td(iv)) - 2 * ir_source(iv);
% Sum longwave radiation absorbed by vegetation
irveg = 0;
for iv = nbot:ntop
irveg = irveg + irabs(iv);
% Canopy emitted longwave radiation
irup = irup(ntop);
% --- Conservation check: absorbed = incoming - outgoing
sumabs = irsky - irup;
err = sumabs - (irveg + irsoi);
if (abs(err) > 1e-03)
fprintf('err = %15.5f\n',err)
fprintf('sumabs = %15.5f\n',sumabs)
fprintf('irveg = %15.5f\n',irveg)
fprintf('irsoi = %15.5f\n',irsoi)
error ('NormanRadiation: Longwave conservation error')
fprintf('irup = %15.5f\n',irup)
fprintf('irveg = %15.5f\n',irveg)
fprintf('irsoi = %15.5f\n',irsoi)
function [u] = tridiagonal_solver (a, b, c, d, n)
% Solve for U given the set of equations R * U = D, where U is a vector
% of length N, D is a vector of length N, and R is an N x N tridiagonal
% matrix defined by the vectors A, B, C each of length N. A(1) and
% C(N) are undefined and are not referenced.
% |B(1) C(1) ... ... ... |
% |A(2) B(2) C(2) ... ... |
% R = | A(3) B(3) C(3) ... |
% | ... A(N-1) B(N-1) C(N-1)|
% | ... ... A(N) B(N) |
% The system of equations is written as:
% A_i * U_i-1 + B_i * U_i + C_i * U_i+1 = D_i
% for i = 1 to N. The solution is found by rewriting the
% equations so that:
% U_i = F_i - E_i * U_i+1
% --- Forward sweep (1 -> N) to get E and F
e(1) = c(1) / b(1);
for i = 2: 1: n-1
e(i) = c(i) / (b(i) - a(i) * e(i-1));
f(1) = d(1) / b(1);
for i = 2: 1: n
f(i) = (d(i) - a(i) * f(i-1)) / (b(i) - a(i) * e(i-1));
% --- Backward substitution (N -> 1) to solve for U
u(n) = f(n);
for i = n-1: -1: 1
u(i) = f(i) - e(i) * u(i+1);